AWS Batch Cloud Custodian Docker Starter Pack

I recently implemented a series of AWS Batch jobs for a client. While most of these were for implementing, well, batch jobs, in the form of reporting functions, I decided to give a go to deploying Cloud Custodian using the same framework, as it basically involved creating an additional CloudFormation nested stack, building Custodian policies and baking them into a container to deploy through Batch. Getting everything up and going was a fair bit of work, so I wanted to encapsulate my learnings into something else others could use.

Datadog API in Docker Containers Needs a Hostname

Lately I’ve had the good fortune of working on an app migration effort with a heavy focus on containerization, specifically a couple of batch processes which run daily. Formerly, these processes were run by an enterprise scheduling system which handled alerting. After deciding to rewrite the batch processing functions and containerize them, that left me short alerting. I decided to implement a new alerting solution using Datadog, since we’re already using it to gather metrics for the main application.