Why You Won't Be Running c7n-org in an AWS Lambda Function

I recently had the good fortune to take on a really fun project at work. First off, the client was incredibly easy to work with, which makes any project (even something I might consider tedious and boring, like migration work) a win in my book. In any case, this wasn’t a boring project – the client asked us to roll out Cloud Custodian across their entire AWS footprint – which at this point consists of an AWS Organization with a decent number of accounts (and more to follow).

Some of My Favorite Pandas Snippets

I have spent the last six months working on the migration of multiple (mostly) SQL-based data sources to a multitude of different AWS-based targets, ranging from conventional SQL backends to user stores like Cognito. Many (if not all) of these efforts involved joining and coalescing data from multiple sources (per single data set) to migrate to a single backend system. For the majority of the work, I used Jupyter notebooks – relying heavily on Pandas and Numpy – for source data analysis, transformation, and load into target systems (as well as the use of database-specific client connection libraries, including MySQL, MS SQL, and Redshift/Postgres).